NOTICE OF OFFER TO PURCHASE Please Note: This is not a contract of sale document. Both the purchaser and vendor must sign a contract of sale document before this offer becomes legally binding. An offer may be withdrawn at any time before signing a contract of sale document. If you do enter into a contract of sale, it is advisable to check section 5 of the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994 regarding any cooling-off rights that you may have and how to exercise them. Property Address (to which the offer relates)*Details of Purchaser/sFirst, Middle, and Last Name*Email Address* Phone*Current Residential Address*Add details of an additional Purchaser?* YES NO First, Middle, and Last NameEmail Address PhoneCurrent Residential AddressDetails of OfferI/We wish to offer the amount entered below as consideration for the purchase of the above mentioned property as a fixed amount*With a deposit of*...and Settlement to be effected on*Is your offer subject to obtaining finance approval?* YES NO Please provide details of your preferred finance contact.Finance Contact Details First Name Surname Company Finance Contact Email Finance Contact Phone numberIs your offer subject to other any conditions?* YES NO Please provide details of additional conditionsPlease read carefully and select one of the following options* The agent has advised me that I am one of several parties making offers to purchase this property. Therefore this is my best and final offer. I have not been made aware of any other parties making offers to purchase this property. Therefore this is my first offer. I/We acknowledge that this offer will be dated at the time of submission and has been digitally signed by the above mentioned Purchaser/s* Yes Δ